Consilia extravagantia A repertory in progress

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Mario Ascheri
Paola Maffei
Consilia, Ius commune, European legal history, XVI Century Legal Books, Domenico Maffei, Andreas Barbatia, Paulus Leonius

The importance of consilia, occasionally underlined even before, has been highlighted since the ’50; since then an increasing number of researches has been devoted to this literary type. Through consilia the university theoretical training melted with practical implementation. Consilia, both separately and in specific collections, spread through manuscripts and even more in the printing age. Our aim is to catalogue that part of this kind of literature hard to find out: consilia hidden in anthologies of other jurists and other kind of literature, subscriptions, additions, references to other advisers in the same matter, supporters, judges, editors and so on. The index will cover so far the printed editions in the well-known and impressive library collected by Domenico Maffei and will be progressively released online open access.

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How to Cite
Ascheri, M. ., & Maffei, P. . (2024). Consilia extravagantia: A repertory in progress. Revista Española De Derecho Canónico, 77(188), 67–85.

