Beyond neuroscience, ahead of philosophy

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George Leon Kabarity
neuroscience, philosophy, anthropology, conception, brain, mind

Relations between neuroscience and philosophy are intricate, because these disciplines are necessarily pervaded by each other. Therefore, any valuable contribution to this debate must stem from a solid insight into both fields of knowledge, in order to avoid oversimplification. That is exactly what the authors of Concepciones antropológicas de los protagonistas de la revolución neurocientífica (in English, Anthropological concepcions of the main contributors to the neuroscientific revolution) have achieved. In this book, on the basis of a rigurous knowledge of neuroscience and of philosophy as well, the authors establish a startpoint to a debate that can turn fruitful.

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How to Cite
Leon Kabarity, G. (2024). Beyond neuroscience, ahead of philosophy . Cuadernos Salmantinos De filosofía, 51, 542–546.


Juan ARANA (dir.), Concepciones antropológicas de los protagonistas de la revolución neurocientífica. Valencia: Tirant Humanidades, 2023, 516 págs.