The rights of reason On the legal metaphor of critical philosophy
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This article aims to outline the basis of the legal metaphor of Kant’s critical philosophy. Its starting premise is that this metaphor of law, unlike other metaphors employed by Kant, is not merely illustrative, but constitutive of his concept of reason and the critical method of his philosophy. To show this, the internal logic of law as developed in the first part of the Metaphysics of Morals (1797) is invoked: the aim is to show that the two main stages in the development of the concept of law (that of its reality through legal "acquisitions" and that of its necessity or legal validity for every person through the opinion of a public "court") formally characterise both Kant's concept of reason and his methodological idea of the critique of reason. For pure reason, as the normative dimension of the human being, consists of a set of acquired rights in relation to valid knowledge (the form of truth), to socially acceptable action (the form of the good and the just) and even to the aspiration of a common human feeling (the form of beauty), and, in order to safeguard them, the legal use of such diverse rights needs to be clearly established, as opposed to their abuse or denial, by means of that civil proceeding before the tribunal of reason itself in which the critical task consists.
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