Family Members of People Affected by COVID-19: Psychopathology, Stress, Threat Perception and Social Support
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The new disease known as COVID-19 has shaken our lives and has posed a real threat not only to the people who suffer from it, but also to their families. Objective: To assess risk and protective factors in family members of people affected by COVID-19. Methods: Once the informed consent was signed, participants (n=50) completed a socio-demographic interview and their degree of emotional distress (SCL-90-R), stress (PSS-14), threat perception (BIP-Q5) and social support (MOSSSS) were assessed. Results: The participating family members presented emotional distress, stress, perception of threat, and moderate social support. Conclusions: Our study emphasizes that the family is an active part of this disease, which has a great emotional impact that must be treated.
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