Technology: easy Door for our Children to Violence

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Alfonso Valdunciel Bustos
Artículos de propuestas de intervención o desarrollo de programas
Forced, Internet, Parents, Pornography, Technology, Videogames., Violence, Children

This article is not intended to get into the controversy over whether the consumption of violence that our children and teenagers perform through new technologies increases their level of violence in real life or not. Nor is intended to be a scientific study that corroborates significant conclusions about whether our young people today are more violent than those of generations past. It is only intended to describe to its parents that, from the computer or with a smartphone in hand with internet access,
it has been easier for any minor to access violent content as now. And in the event that parents no longer doubt the above statement, it is also in the aim to portray various examples so that they are truly aware of what is being talked about when we are talking about consuming violent content through new technologies: videogames, real images of extreme explicit violence and violent pornographic content.

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How to Cite
Valdunciel Bustos, A. . (2020). Technology: easy Door for our Children to Violence. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (58), 149–159.


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