Sexual abuse

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Félix López Sánchez
Artículos de propuestas de intervención o desarrollo de programas
Sexual abuse, Prevalence, Effects, Reporting, Judicial process and victim support, Detection

We propose in this article to update concepts, point out false beliefs, offer an overview of the dimensions
of this problem and its effects. Secondly, we briefly point out the essential aspects of intervention in preventing and addressing them. We argue that
a sex-like approach does not defend victims, forgets other forms of sexual abuse and causes mistakes that aggravate the effects. This is a problem that affects one in five people, twice as young as boys, while families and school, except for exceptions, remain silent. Most are not detected or reported. The effects have varying degrees of severity, from loss of life to posttraumatic stress, to those that are overcome in a short time. Prevention (in the context of adequate sex education), improved detection, reporting and judicial process needs to be generalized; as well as providing support services.

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How to Cite
López Sánchez, F. . (2020). Sexual abuse. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (58), 133–148.


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