Childhood repercussions of family / domestic violence

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Luis Jiménez Díaz
Artículos de propuestas de intervención o desarrollo de programas
Family violence, Underage victims, Repercussions on evolution

This article aims, in the light of the alarming figures on family/domestic violence in children in our
country, to underline the fundamental conditions that determine its origin, as well as the impact that, direct or indirect exposure, may arise at any stage
of childhood/youth development. It is intended to highlight the role that can play trauma, in the evolutionary process, depending on the evolutionary
moment of the affect subject, on the one hand, which will provide specific characteristics to the repercussions of the trauma, and depending on the
condition of the aggressor subject, on the other hand, which will determine the future expressive forms of trauma. The trauma of family/domestic violence in childhood/youth can lead to immediate and remote consequences that, by affecting any of the areas of the mature process (cognitive, emotional, social), can potentially develop throughout the life of the subject and generate future expressive models in his own family behaviors. A review of literature has been carried out, both 
general and applied with guides to control family violence, which is expected to serve as guidance and model to our readers.

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How to Cite
Jiménez Díaz, L. . . (2020). Childhood repercussions of family / domestic violence. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (58), 99–115.


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