From the detection of abuse to the promotion of good treatment to the elderly

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Rosalía García García
Mª Cruz Pérez Lancho
Jesús Cacho Gutiérrez
Estudios de análisis de casos
Abuse, Elderly people, Good treatment, Family

Abuse of the elderly appears as a social problem in recent decades. This problem has grown together with the progressive aging of the population, the increase in the number of dependent elderly people and the current fragility of family links. This type of abuse constitutes a very recurrent form of interpersonal violence that is not always sufficiently visible. Therefore, we consider it important to know what is its scope, its conceptual description, as well as the weaknesses and strengths of its approach. So that, the objectives of this work are focused on presenting the dimension of the problem, its characteristics, the risk factors that precipitate its appearance and the barriers that hinder its detection. In addition, we highlight the current tendency to face this type of abuse from a perspective that seeks the empowerment of this age group, passing through the detection of the abuse of the vulnerable elderly to the promotion and good treatment for all the elderly.

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García García, R., Pérez Lancho, M. C., & Cacho Gutiérrez, J. (2024). From the detection of abuse to the promotion of good treatment to the elderly. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (56), 89–99.


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