Incidence of the situation of dependence in older people and the leisure enjoyment

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Aurora Madariaga
Sheila Romero
Estudios de análisis de casos
Dependency, Disability, Elderly, Leisure

This article focuses on the leisure of the elderly who, due to their characteristics, they are in a situation of dependency. In order to know this reality, an exhaustive compilation of the latest data of aging and dependence is carried out, also focusing on the disability concept. The ageing group is in continuing growth, because of, apart from older people who become older and they increase their degree of dependency, there are adults with disabilities who reach old age. Both groups, apparently different in terms of development process of the dependency, intersect in a set of similar needs and demands when it comes to being able to enjoy and participate in leisure activities. The following is an analysis of the incidence of the dependency situation in the elderly in the main areas of their life, with special emphasis on leisure. The condition of dependence determines his life and the repertory of their leisure experiences, as well as their real participation in the leisure of the community, for this reason it is important to identify the current challenges in terms of aging and leisure as a sphere of enjoyment and personal wellbeing.

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How to Cite
Madariaga, A. ., & Romero, S. (2024). Incidence of the situation of dependence in older people and the leisure enjoyment. Familia. Revista De Ciencia Y Orientación Familiar, (56), 65–75.


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