Religious life ecumenical opportunity: Re-reading of J-M.R. Tillard

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Elie Mputu Mande Diemo
Religious life, Contribution, Ecumenism, Life in Communion

The article by Dr Elie Mputtu considers a theme rarely treated within ecumenical studies, namely, the contribution that religious and monastic forms of life, of the various Christian Confessions, can make to the advancement of Christian Unity. Dr Mputtu brings to his study some authors not widely known, but he relies centrally on the doctrine of the Dominican friar Jean-Marie Roger Tillard, a well-known theologian and ecumenist. The authoritative work of Tillard together with the arguments he develops as an expert theologian on religious life since the years of Vatican II, makes this article of particular importance for those interested in the various enriching ecclesial elements contained in religious life as well as in ecumenical theology. 

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How to Cite
Mande Diemo, E. M. (2022). Religious life : ecumenical opportunity: Re-reading of J-M.R. Tillard. Diálogo Ecuménico, 54(169-170), 197–226.